These are a few of Kadence's favorite things:
Favorite Book: The Foot Book, by Dr. Seuss
Favorite Song: Boom Boom Pow by the Black Eyed Peas (seriously)
Favorite kiddie song: If you're happy and you know it. She says "Happy..yo-ee-yo"
Favorite Color: Pink. Well, I think it is..everytime we ask her what color something is, the response is always "PINK"
Favorite Toy: That's a toss up betweeen Bahbee (barbie), baby dolls, and tickle me elmo. She also loves her cozy coupe that she can "drive"...she actually now cries to drive OUR cars, lol.
Favorite Show: Dora. Hands down, it's the best thing EVER to her. Close runners up, Spongebob (bum-bon), and Phineas and Ferb.
Favorite activity: Playing outside- goodness, coming inside every evening is torture to her!
Favorite Friends: Jack (gaga) and Mattie (manny)
Favorite Bath Toy: The cup in which she fills with running water and drinks..again and again.
Favorite Veggie: Broccoli- she actually like most all veggies, which we are so grateful for
Favorite Food: Cheese
Favorite Dessert: Ice cream (ikeen)
And, that's all I can think of for now. I hope to remember to compile lists like this once a year or so, in order to keep track of all these changes. :)