Green mama’s pad: this blog post is Cloth diapering 101- or better yet, remedial cloth (that's for sure what I needed). She really spells everything out for you.
Baby Rabies: a great site; she has a few posts that are brutally honest when it comes to cloth; informative and funny.
Pinstripes and polka dots is a great place to find laundry/detergent info. They also have a ton of information here.
Oh, and Abby's Lane and Sew Crafty Baby has free shipping all the time!
Now, onto what I do. I’m a pretty simple kind of girl. I don’t want things to be too complicated. I love cloth diapering (who else can say they love anything about diapering!!), but I wouldn’t have done it if it were too much work. I started out buying a few pockets and prefolds with covers. I didn’t want to spend too much money, but I liked the convienece of pockets for Luis. To this day he doesn’t use the prefolds..whatevs.
Anyway, I got them and prepped them by boiling the prefolds and washing the pockets. As far as washing, there isn't much to it. Cold wash NO detergent, followed by Hot wash/cold rinse(sometimes reason, I just like to mix it up) with a 2nd rinse. There are many options for detergent, but I went with simple and cheap. Purex Free and Clear. I also tried out Crunchy Clean, which smells fantastic (seriously..buttercream cupcake detergent!!), but I don’t use it all the time due to the “it’s not as cheap as purex” factor. All diapers then go into the dryer with NO dryer sheets. I’m working on getting Luis to put up a line so I can dry them outside; from what I understand, that’s better for the diapers and of course better the environment.
How do I use them? Like I said, I’m pretty simple. I fold the prefold and lay it in the cover…then, the cover goes on exactly like a disposable. It looks like this:
The pocket diapers are a little different- and easier. I “stuff” them with either an insert or a prefold, and put them in the drawer. When it’s time to use them, they also go on exactly like a disposable. When I’m changing her, all I do is throw the wet diapers into the pail (which is a garbage can with a wet bag lining it). The poopy diapers used to go straight into the pail when she was only getting breast milk, but now that she’s getting some solids (not much though..she hates food!), it’s a little more work. I use a flushable liner in her diapers, and then I use a wipe for whatever is left. Is that the best way? I don’t know, but it’s easier than going rinse it off in the sink/tub/toilet or wherever. And, for now, it works. It’s no grosser than dealing with a disposable. As a matter of fact, I can contend that I dealt with poop much more when she was in disposables because we’d frequently have blowouts. Those are virtually unheard of in the cloth world…you know what else is rare- diaper rash. You know what else…they’re cheaper. I can afford to play around sometimes and buy her “nice” diapers because even if I spend 25.00 on one diaper, it will last me through potty training, and baby number two..well, it will be FREE for him/her. Only, if it’s a boy, he’ll for sure be rocking some pink. ;)
So, there you have it. I don’t think this will convert anyone, but I thought I’d put this out there in case someone was considering it. Oh, and my husband- he’s now 100% on board and recommends CDing to others!! If nothing else, you can’t deny the cute factor of them:
Oh my word, okay, I know I say this, every.sinlge.time, but your little girls has so much hair, it is just too cute.
And I cloth diaper. I use lots of prefolds and covers. I have 2 or 3 thirsties, and about 5 that I bought from an etsy seller, I like them alot. But truly, the thristies are probably a little better. What covers do you use? I'm wanting to buy some bumgenius 3.0, haven't yet. I bought some knockoffs called bumjoy from etsy and not sure how much I like them. They are easy, but want to compare them to bumgenius before I make a certain assesment.
So far I don't mind cd'ing, I do still put her in some sposies, but not much.
Thanks for the post and feel free to talk cd'ing anytime!
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